
75 Crocodile Puns to Make You Smile from Ear to Ear

best funny Crocodile puns
Written by Fuuny Puns Team

Crocodile puns are a fun way to poke fun at our scaly reptilian friends. These puns play on words related to crocodiles and alligators, like using “croc” or “gator” in place of words, or replacing sounds like “s” with “sn” to mimic their speech.

Some popular themes include turning crocodile attributes into puns about activities like dancing or sports, describing them in funny situations, or comparing them to other animals or objects for a laugh.

These 75 Best Crocodile Puns aim to bring a smile by exaggerating crocodile traits in an amusing way.

75 Best Crocodile Puns

  1. what did the crocodile say to its partner before going to bed? “care to join me for a ‘snoozile’?”
  2. how does a crocodile say sorry? with a ‘swam-pology’.
  3. what’s a crocodile’s favorite sport?a: “swimming,” of course!
  4. what’s a crocodile’s favorite type of drink?a: a “snap”-ple juice!
  5. it’s not difficult to tell crocodiles and alligators apart. one will see you in a while whereas the other will see you later.
  6. what’s a crocodile’s favorite song? “snap my fingers” by lil’ jaws!
  7. i thought i saw a crocodile in the laneway behind my house. but then i saw him a bit later, so it must have been an alley-gator.
  8. why did the crocodile cross the road? to get to the other tide!
  9. why did the crocodile bring a ladder to the party? it wanted to be the “snappy” one!
  10. what do you call a crocodile with a sunburn? a “crisp”-dile!
  11. why did the crocodile always win at hide-and-seek? it was an expert in “camou-flage”!
  12. what do you get when you cross a crocodile with a chocolate bar? a: chocodile.
  13. if a crocodile ever offers to take you on a ‘jungle cruise,’ make sure you’re wearing a life vest.
  14. what did the crocodile say when it saw its reflection? “now that’s one ‘snap’tastic creature!”
  15. what’s a crocodile’s favorite movie genre? ‘snap’-stick comedies!
  16. who gives crocodiles presents on christmas? a: santa jaws
  17. why cant egyptian crocodiles get through the 5 stages of grief? they keep getting stuck in de nile
  18. how does a crocodile make decisions? it flips a ‘scale’!
  19. if a crocodile doesn’t admit that he’s wrong, then it must be de-niled.
  20. music industry! 10. what do you call a crocodile that loves to travel? a ‘globetrotodile’!
  21. what do you call a crocodile in a vest?a: an investigator!
  22. why did the crocodile start a band? it wanted to play “reptile rock”!
  23. i get a rash when i wear polo shirts with little crocodiles on them.
  24. why did the crocodile become a chef? it wanted to ‘whip up’ some gourmet dishes for its reptile friends!
  25. why did the crocodile become a dentist?a: to perfect his “bite”!
  26. here are some really funny crocodile videos.
  27. what do you call an insane crocodile in mexico? locodrilo
  28. what do you call a crocodile that likes to bowl?a: an alley-gator!
  29. do you know who presents crocodiles with gifts during the day of christmas? santa jaws!
  30. what’s a crocodile’s favorite instrument? the “croco-dial”!
  31. why did the crocodile become a comedian? because it had a great sense of humor!
  32. why couldn’t the crocodile get over his ex wife? he was stuck in de nile 🙁
  33. what do crocodiles call small people? a: appetizers.
  34. why was the crocodile always chosen as the team leader? it had “snap”-titude!
  35. that’s not a crocodile dundee reference… this is a crocodile dundee reference.
  36. why did the crocodile skip school? it didn’t want to deal with ‘croc-u-pational hazards’!
  37. who gives crocodiles presents on christmas?
  38. what’s a crocodile’s favorite game show?a: “snap of fortune”!
  39. what’s a crocodile’s favorite dance move?a: the “snap and roll”!
  40. what do you call a crocodile that’s great at hiding?a: a “camou-scaled” reptile!
  41. that’s not a crocodile dundee movie reference.
  42. what’s a crocodile’s favorite type of sandwich?a: a “croc-codile” sandwich, of course!
  43. are you a baby crocodile? cos yo momma weighs 400 pounds.
  44. what do you get if you cross a computer and a crocodile?
  45. knock, knock. who’s there? crocodile. crocodile who? crocodile you later, alligator!
  46. what do you call a fashionable crocodile? a “lacoste” dapper!
  47. why was the crocodile a fantastic gymnast? it had incredible “tail-ent”!
  48. what did the crocodile do when it couldn’t find its tv remote?a: it performed a “croc” search!
  49. “you know what they say, ‘crocodile tears will get you nowhere,’ except for maybe in a swamp.”
  50. what’s a crocodile’s favorite sport? “snap”ping!
  51. what do you call a crocodile that loves to take risks? a ‘dare-devilagator’!
  52. how do you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? you will see one later and one in a while.
  53. what did the crocodile say when he saw the pair of shoes he wanted to buy? “see you later, alligator.”
  54. how do crocodiles keep their teeth clean? they use ‘sna-paste’ and ‘flos-scales’!
  55. what do you call a crocodile that likes to sunbathe? a sun-croc!
  56. how do crocodiles choose their partners? they look for someone with a ‘snappy’ personality!
  57. you can distinguish an alligator from a crocodile by paying attention to whether it sees you later, or in a while
  58. why did the crocodile become a detective?a: to solve the mystery of the missing “snap”!
  59. crocodiles can grow up to 20 feet but most have just four.
  60. what’s a crocodile’s favorite kind of shoes? “crocs,” of course!
  61. why did the crocodile start a band? it wanted to ‘sink’ its teeth into the
  62. what did the crocodile bring to the party? its ‘ri-scaled’ dance moves!
  63. what do you call a crocodile that’s always up to mischief? a ‘naugh-gator’!
  64. alligator and crocodile one-liners:
  65. what do you call a crocodile who likes to dance? a cha-cha-gator.
  66. what do you call a crocodile that loves guacamole? a guacodile!
  67. why did the crocodile become a construction worker? he wanted to snap things into place.
  68. hi everyone, do missed crocodiles farm in siem reap? i hope you have a funny game fishing crocodile here haha … for i like bbq crocodile with beer !!!!
  69. “what’s the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?” “i don’t know, what?” “one you’ll see in a while, and the other you’ll see later!”
  70. what did the crocodile say when it lost its tail? “it’s okay; i’ll “grow” a new one!”
  71. why was the crocodile always cold? because it was always in a reptile dysfunction!
  72. aligator and crocodile were once friend they were suppose to see each other laterbutit’s been a while!
  73. what do you call a group of singing crocodiles? a croc-a-pella group!
  74. funny that “niles” would show up when i’m slaying crocodiles by a river!
  75. why don’t crocodiles like fast food? a: it’s too hard to catch.

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Fuuny Puns Team

With a shared love for puns, we come together to create content that will leave you laughing and entertained. Our team members have a knack for finding the perfect puns for any occasion and enjoy sharing them with our readers. From witty one-liners to clever wordplay, we strive to bring you the best puns and humor that will brighten your day.