
55 Rosemary Puns That Will Leave You in Stitches

best funny rosemary puns
Written by Fuuny Puns Team

Rosemary puns offer a lighthearted take on the herb rosemary through clever wordplay and double meanings. They are a fun way for herb lovers and cooks to reference rosemary in their jokes and conversations.

Common themes in rosemary puns involve portraying the herb as having human traits or occupations. They also play on rosemary’s name or references to cooking with the herb. Whether about singing talents or fashion sense, rosemary puns add some humor and levity to this versatile culinary herb.

55 Best Rosemary Puns

  1. what do you call a rosemary with a talent for singing?a: a “melodious herb.”
  2. what do you call a rosemary with a flair for fashion?a: a “stylish herb.”
  3. what do you call a rosemary that’s excellent at storytelling?a: a “legendary herb.”
  4. what’s a rosemary’s favorite place to relax in the herb garden?a: the “herb-mock.”
  5. rosemary is brought home to new fridge. she observes the other herbs with much interest and notes one herb stands out as the clear leader of the pack. she asks her only friend so far marjoram who that is. marjoram says: “in here, he’s kind of a big dill.”
  6. why was the rosemary always invited to herb gatherings?a: because it was “in-herb-taining.”
  7. why did the herb chef become famous overnight?a: because they had the “rosemary touch.”
  8. why did the rosemary plant feel confident at the herb party?a: because it had a “rosemary” attitude.
  9. what do you call a herb that loves to dance?a: a “groovy rosemary.”
  10. what did rosemary say when sage proposed? it’s about thyme.
  11. why did the rosemary become a motivational speaker for other herbs?a: because it had a “herb-acious” way with words.
  12. dad can you make me potatoes with rosemary who’s rose-mary? is she gonna do most of the cooking?
  13. what do you call a rosemary with a great sense of humor?a: a “witty herb.”
  14. what did the rosemary plant say when it heard you were going to use it in a recipe?a: “i’m feeling ‘herb-aceous’!”
  15. why did the rosemary get a promotion in the herb garden?a: because it had “herb-vancement” potential.
  16. why were simon and garfunkel called lazy? because they were constantly asking for flavors from parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.
  17. the cops broke down the door and asked rosemary about the kidnapping she claimed that she didn’t have the thyme
  18. rosemary? more like rosé-funny! (editors pick)
  19. why did the rosemary plant start a book club with other herbs?a: because it wanted to have “sage” discussions.
  20. my friend just started dating a girl called rosemary i don’t know what he season her
  21. eat, drink, and be rosemary.
  22. eat, drink and be rosemary
  23. my daughter asked me why there are a lot of soaps that smell like lavender. i said “it’s just a popular smell that a lot of people like, like sweet orange, lemongrass and rosemary.” she paused and then nodded and replied:”yes, that seems like common scents.”
  24. why should simon and garfunkel rule the world? because then at least the trains would run on parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme!
  25. why were you chopping rosemary so quickly in the kitchen?a: because i’m “out of thyme,” i explained.
  26. why did the rosemary always have a positive attitude?a: because it believed in “herb-solution.”
  27. what is an herb’s motto in life? eat, drink, and be rosemary.
  28. what do you call a rosemary that’s always full of energy?a: an “herb-sonified” herb.
  29. i put a lot of basil, parsley, rosemary and thyme in my old volkswagen beetle… became herby.
  30. how did the rosemary plant help its herb friends during tough times?a: it provided a “sprig” of support.
  31. why were simon and garfunkel called lazy? because they were constantly asking for flavors from parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.
  32. rosemary competed in a plant quiz on environmental day. even though she did not win the contest, she received a partici-plant certificate.
  33. what’s a rosemary’s favorite type of literature?a: “herb-al” tales and mysteries.
  34. what happened when your spice rack crashed to the ground?a: i finished cleaning all the rosemary and sage, so now i have a lot of “thyme” left.
  35. what do you call a rosemary plant cultivated with electricity?a: a “power station.”
  36. why did the rosemary always have a crowd of herb friends around it?a: because it was “herb-gnetic.”
  37. i heard if you look in a map’s corner and see the words “bloody rosemary,” you’ll die. but that’s just an herb in legend.
  38. he was less sought after for his oregano guidance, his thyme tips, and his rosemary consultations.
  39. what’s a rosemary’s favorite subject in herb school?a: “herb-chitecture.”
  40. rosemary is brought home to new fridge. she observes the other herbs with much interest and notes one herb stands out as the clear leader of the pack. she asks her only friend so far marjoram who that is. marjoram says: “in here, he’s kind of a big dill.”
  41. so my mom got some new house plants… i walk in the front door, and said, “hey mom, hey dad- huh, it smells like rosemary in here.”dad says “i wouldn’t know what she smells like, i’m a married man.”
  42. how do herbs like rosemary solve problems?a: they “rose-marry” their skills and creativity.
  43. what do you call a herb that loves to read?a: a “well-read rosemary.”
  44. why did the herb refuse to get involved in drama?a: because it wanted to maintain a “rosemary” reputation.
  45. why did the herb garden throw a party for rosemary?a: because it was a “sprig-tacular” addition!
  46. i said “it’s just a popular smell that a lot of people like, like sweet orange, lemongrass and rosemary.” she paused and then nodded and replied:”yes, that seems like common scents.”
  47. i finished cleaning all the rosemary and sage so now i have a lot of thyme on my hands.
  48. why was the rosemary plant so good at problem-solving?a: because it used “herb-stract thinking.”
  49. why did the rosemary always stay calm in stressful situations?a: because it had a “rosemary” temperament.
  50. why was the rosemary plant known for its wisdom?a: because it had “herb-thodoxy.”
  51. rosemary said she was throwing a party tonight. we all were so excited and shouted: “it’s party thyme!”
  52. i read in a medical journal that sniffing rosemary will improve your immunity during this rainy season… but my colleague is not understanding when i do this and now she’s calling the security…
  53. why did the rosemary always bring the party to life?a: because it had “herb-so-lutely” great dance moves.
  54. how did the rosemary make everyone feel welcome in the herb garden?a: it had a “herb-nate” personality.
  55. when coriander knocked on rosemary’s door, what did she say?a: she said, “cumin.”.

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Fuuny Puns Team

With a shared love for puns, we come together to create content that will leave you laughing and entertained. Our team members have a knack for finding the perfect puns for any occasion and enjoy sharing them with our readers. From witty one-liners to clever wordplay, we strive to bring you the best puns and humor that will brighten your day.

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